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Gidders 01-12-13 17:06

Fortnightly Challenge 1st Dec to midnight 15th Dec - At Work
This fortnight's challenge - At Work - any subject matter you like as long as it can be called At Work.

Fortnightly Challenge is open to all members of WPF. The challenge will be run on (GMT) time.

Post your photo in this thread any time from 1st Dec to midnight 15th Dec.

Then a 3 day poll will be placed in this thread for voting on the photo you like best in this challenge.

Please give your photo a title.

The winner picks a challenge for the following fortnight and starts a new thread.

1. One photo per member
2. To be taken during period stated above
3. The photo must include exif data if possible with date and time
4. Post your entry as one attachment directly in this thread
5. No discussion of entries in the thread
6. Do not post any entries in the gallery until after the voting has finished

Good Luck to Everyone

DigiDiva 01-12-13 17:31

Interesting......I have a few ideas here.

Peter Waites 04-12-13 10:11

At The End Of The Day
1 Attachment(s)
going home 5:00pm on a cold December evening.

graham harcombe 06-12-13 09:11

Bottoms Up!
1 Attachment(s)
Cable workers in a hot climate.

Himself 06-12-13 12:00

A view from my 'Office'
1 Attachment(s)
Gales? It's a storm!

Gidders 07-12-13 19:13

1 Attachment(s)
Waiting for Clients

Gidders 14-12-13 17:35

Just over 24 hours left to get your entries posted :)

DigiDiva 16-12-13 09:40

Sorry I haven't been able to join in for the last few weeks. Hopefully back on the ball from this week. Shame there's only 3 entries so far. Sorry guys for letting you down

Gidders 16-12-13 12:39

Voting now open

Peter Waites 19-12-13 16:44

Very well done Clive - the clear winner deservedly. I suppose you're my "down" this time and I can only say that the pose, the implied story, the composition, lighting and framing all go to make an unbeatable documentary shot. Graham was my "up" and his was an impeccably produced "working man" shot but lacking the poignancy of Clive's image - as was mine.

graham harcombe 19-12-13 22:38

A very atmospheric shot Clive, well done.

My upper is 'at the end of the day' by Peter. I liked the shot which gained impact the more I looked at it. My downer is 'A view from my office' by Himself. As a small boat sailor myself, the view is pretty awesome and I'm not sure I would like to be out there under sail! However I felt it was a little short subject matter as a photo.

Basically, I think we were all outclassed this fortnight, by a clear winner and a pretty spectacular shot.


mbkamrani 20-12-13 11:18

I was between your shot and the winner shot,though i voted to your shot Graham,the winner shot artistically is very good too ;)

DigiDiva 20-12-13 12:16

Well done Clive, loved it from the start - no ups/downs as I didn't enter

Gidders 20-12-13 19:43

Thank you everyone for the fabulous feedback & the votes - I think that's the most I've ever polled. I'll get a fresh challenge set to take us into the new year in the next 24 hours.

Up & Downs
My Up - A view from my office by Himself - as graham says it probably needed a bit more interest. Perhaps a shot of one of the crew at the helm... of if you're it as far a crew goes then perhaps a 'selfie'

My Down - At the end of the day by Peter - an interesting approach to the subject - but difficult lighting conditions, might have been worth trying as an HDR to bring some more detail.

Gidders 20-12-13 20:04

2 Attachment(s)
Behind the Scenes

At first look you may not realise how the whole shot was a complete set up. The 'model' is my daughter wearing my high heels (don't ask ;) ) & we shot this in an unlit tunnel going under the A38. Lighting was provided by my EX580 flash with a reflector & honeycomb grid to control the spread of light mounted on a hand held lighting stand & fired with a remote trigger & the self timer.

Apeture set at f2.8 to throw the tunnel in the distance out of focus, exposure was bit trial & error adjusting the flash power until I got it right. Positioning the light above my daughter also required a bit of experimentation - with it directly above her head there was too much hard shadow & I found the best position was about 3 feet nearer the camera position to throw some light on her hair.

Having got that shot, three more shots were taken moving down the tunnel with just the flash to make the other 'lights' The four best shots were stacked in photoshop, I cloned myself out & revealed each light with layer masks. Finally flatten & convert to B&W with Silver Efex Pro

John&me 20-12-13 22:22

clear winner deservedly

Nigel G 21-12-13 01:29

Great imagination and superbly executed - but why do you posses high heels ?

Tugboat 21-12-13 08:54

that was a lot of work Clive, thanks for the explanation, well deserved win.

Gidders 21-12-13 09:16


Originally Posted by Nigel G (Post 54762)
...but why do you possess high heels ?

I said - don't ask ;)

Peter Waites 21-12-13 09:48

I fell for it hook(er) line and sinker!:) Never even thought it was anything but a well executed candid. We live and learn.

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